Thursday, November 12, 2009

yummy yummy latte

real picture-
Tonight I made the best latte ever! My grandmother bought me a cook book awhile ago for my "hope chest", an old wooden chest from her house filled with everything I would need for when I move out on my own. In this cook book there are alot of different types of recipes from a baby bean vannilla cake to a veggie roast beef. The recipe I decided to make was a hot drink called Spiced Honey Latte. I mixed milk with a lot of different types of spices like nutmeg, cinnamin and ginger. I took forever to make. I had to use a saucepan, blender and coffee maker! It was so easy though! I just had to wait a little while for the milk mixer to heat up on my stove. After it was all done, however, it was so worth it. It was warm and foamy. It was nutty and full of spices! Way, way better than some convenient store latte!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

i want a kitten

(real picture)
I want a kitten.

Last summer, way early in the morning, my little sisters ran down into my room all excited! They frantically tried to wake me up. Being that it was early in the morning in the summer I love to sleep in and hate when people wake me up for no reason, so I was not ready to wake up. My sisters were screaming about some kitten in a box. I was so confused and taking back I was not sure what to think so I simply just got up put some cloths on and followed them outside. They lead me to a box in our back yard and inside there was a very young kitten trying to get out of the box. It was the cutest most inicent little thing I had ever seen, but I knew my father would never let me keep it. So for the rest of the day we just tried to get ourselves to let it go and everytime we attempted to let her go she would come right back. At the end of the day we just could not let her go. When my dad came home right away he said no and the kitten stayed in a box for the night the next day she was still there. Over the next week my dad continued to say no but the little kitten would just not leave. After awhile my whole family became very close to the kitten and my dad finally let the kitten into our house. Afte that we named her Bella. We went out and bought her lots of kitty things and gave her so much love. I loved coming home from work and playing with this little kitten. After a couple weeks however we saw little bella getting smaller and smaller and she would not eat. One morning when we were at school my mom sent me a horrible text. Sh e said she had woken up and Bella was very weak and was breathing heavy. She said she quickly picked Bella up and ran her to the vet, pj's and all. Unfortuantly before she reached the vet Bella had past. We were all very sad and confused. We had taken such good care of this little kitten. The vet then did some research on our little Bella and found ou that before we had found Bella she had picked up a disease most stray cats have but being a young kitten with a weak immune system it had killed her.

Thinking back on it I wish some times that little Bella was here. I wish I was playing with her and cuddling with her. I now also wish I had a new kitten and I would name her Bella too.

Friday, October 30, 2009

I am not sure I understand why people who go shopping are always so mad all the time. I work at the mall in Pac Sun and the customers are either really happy or just down right mad. Last night for example I was ringing a lady and her son up at the cash register. They were buying one pair of jeans, and at Pac Sun our jeans are always on sale for either two for fifty-five or two for fifty-nine. I then asked the mom if they wanted to grab another pair of jeans for fifteen dollars more. The mom simply looked at me like I was crazy, like she could not beleive I even just asked her such a question. I attempted to explain to her they were two for fifty-five but before I could finish my sentance she said "no we do not need anything else." I couldn't beleive how rude and angry this lady was. This sceen however is not uncommon. It accually happens more than once a night. I think our coustomers think we are only out to get them to spend their money,like we work on comition. I do not want to get people to spend their money because I know I do not have money to spend either. I simply ask people if they would like to spend their money wisely. For instance with the jeans why not pay fifteen dollars for jeans now vs. forty dollars later. I just want to help people. I wish our coustomers could understand that.

Sunday, October 18, 2009


So right now I am drinking a raspberry-apple VitaminWater. Like all the other labels on VitaminWater's this one has a crazy story on the side of it. This one is all about defense. It says it has vitamin c and zinc. The story on the side says about how drinking it will cause you to have no more sick days where you are really sick. The label says you will have "sick" days where you have fun with friends. This has no got me wondering how true this is. So I went to the VitaminWater website and found out the makers put some real reserch behind this drink. They have in depth information about each of the flavors. For the raspberry-apple flavor I am drinking, the vitamin c in it is a water-soluble vitamin that works with your white blood cells. It specifcally works with the white blood cell leucocytes, the bodies main defense! I find it crazy how this yummy drink has so much reserch and thought put into it. All of them do and they all have different purposes, like focus, balence and even relaxation! So I will most likely for this winter drink lots of VitaminWater just so I do not get sick.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Boy/girl party!!!!!

Today is was cleaning up my living room and found my little twelve year old sisters book. The title of the book is "The Smart Girls Book to Guys". It is a book focused on her age group explaining all the different situations she may run into with boys. One section of the book is focused on "boy/girl" parties. I started to remember when I was her age and got invited to my first "boy/girl" party. It was in this kid named Aarons basement. It was dark and there was loud music. In the corner there was food and soda. His parents would also periodicaly check on us I guess to make sure we werent doing anything we were not to be. I remember that I was so neverous and was not really sure what to do. Everything was so awkward and new. It was the first time kissing a boy had really been brought to mind, before that boys were icky! Looking back on it however I think everyone felt the same way I did. Of course at the time I didnt know that I just tried to act as cool as possible. I just can not beleive my little sister is now going to have to go through the same thing! She will have to deal with the same nervous, awkwardness I did, which makes me nervous for her! I just hope she makes all the right decissions and has learned from me!

butterfly butterfly

I was thinking today about butterflies and how pretty they are. Butterflies have such amazing patterns and colors if you really look at them. The colors for one thing are so bright and insense. They blend so well and yet they are so different. The patterns on the wings are also so crazy and unimaginable. It is so insane to think that these colors and patterns can be in nature. In my art work I have tried numerous times to replicate the same intensity but I have failed everything. There is just noway to fully grasp the true look. I beleive also that evryone should reallly stop and look at the wings for all the different thiings I am talking about. People just simply look at the wings and never really see the colors and patterns. I have included pictures so that you may be able to see for yourself what I can not copmpletely explain in words.

Monday, October 5, 2009





things that need to happen.

if not, diaster.

not a word.

not one.

will ever be spoken again.

if so may the damned never raise.

and the great never fall.

never again will there be hope.

or joy.

or peace.

only upset.

and dissatiscation.

but if no words are spoken.

joy will return but not true happiness.

peace will be seen only through the eyes of bitten tounges.

so a choice.

getting what is desired for a short time along with terror.


the joy of knowing everything is fine but feeling empty.?

no more.




its done with.

this is the only sad lonely and yet peaceful resolution.

but the words sneek out.

quiet as the peace so undeteched.

invisable for a short time.

reconized and regreted alittle while later.

just dont speak.

please dont even try.

its no use.

its over with and done.

whats done is done.

and what to come is set out.

by past behavior.

cant change.

no one has.

no one can.

it simply cant be done.

~ Sarah Clark

Sunday, October 4, 2009



Winter and I have a very love/hate relationship. The things I love/hate about winter are the snow, the hot chocalate, and the cozyness of my bed at night. I only like the snow though when Im not driving in it, then I hate it. But I love to watch the snow softly fall to the ground for the first time. When I see that I think it looks so pretty but at the same time I think its sad because it is the start of something I hate. I also love crawling into my bed at the end of a long day and getting under my nice warm blankets. However I hate the process of getting into my bed. Then you have to change out of nice warm cloths into pj's and it is always so cold. I have a room in the basement where there is no heating so it is always so cold and I hate having to crawl out of bed. Hot chocalate is another thing I like about winter. I love coming in from a cold chilly day and sitting down with warm coco in my hands. I hate the way it burns me though. I always burn my mouth always, always, always! So winter and I have a very weird love/hate relationship.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

The second part of the book was so eventful and exciting. I was so surprised about the end of the second part of the book! I can not beleive the entire chapter really. It was surpriseing that Guy is so comitted with reading these books. He is very up and down the whole way about wheather or not to continue to explore and I am so glad he did continue. I also can not beleive he read a book in front of Mildreds friends. At first, I thought he was dreaming or that he was imaging doing this but when I releived he was not just dreaming I knew he would get in trouble I just never thought he would be going to his own house at the end. This makes me wonder if one of Mildreds friends told or if even Faber was caught. The end of the chapter left me with so many unanswered surprising questions that I hope will be answered in the next chapter.\

Saturday, September 26, 2009


I'm currently just laying here watching my favorite chartoon, The Misadventures of Flapjack. I just thinking how funny it is that I am a eighteen year old and I'm still watching chartoons. The only difference between watching chartoons now compared to when I was younger is that I seem to appriate the artwork so much more. The imagery in Flapjack is so creative and inavative. The artwork alone is a reason to watch. From the way the ocean looks to the way the close up images look its all so creative and a new style of presenting a chartoon. Since Im sure not everyone has seen this show and have no idea what I am talking about I have put some pictures in my blog.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Fahrenheit 451 vs. 1984

So I havent quite read too much into Fahrenheit 451 but for some reason from what I have read I feel its alot like 1984. I feel the man in the book, Guy Montag is very simliar to Winston Smith from the book 1984, in the sense that they go about their days how they are told and never question the reasons why or what if there is more. They both do what they are told regardless of the reason of wrong or write they just listen to higher attority. In both books, however, I feel they start to question these methods on the event of meeting a girl. From Fahrenheit 451 her name is Clarrisse McClellan, a seventeen year old girl Guy meets while walking home. From the book 1984 her name is Julia, a young lady who Winston sees and falls in love with. In both the books the girls open the characters eyes up to things that do not follow society. I still havent read past the first forty pages of Fahrenheit 451 but yet I predict this is what may happen.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Chiche equals perfection

Tuesday night I went to the York Fair with my boyfriend, Justin. I was really expecting the night to be just a typipical night just hanging out and eating yummy fair food however I turned into something much more. After we both stuffed our faces with yummy food, me eating a Gyro and him eating a cheesesteak, we just were simply walking around holding hands atempting to steer through the crowd. As we made our way through the crazy, disorganized sea of people my boyfriend never once let my hand go. He would lead the way through the people and look back to make sure I was juat fine. We walked around for a little while more talking about random things watching the people and kids around us and all of the sudden he stopped at a stand. The stand was a game stand, and even though we had talked about how I thought it was cheesy when guys win their girls huge cheap toys, he decided he wanted to anyway. However instead of winning me a huge toy he won me a small soft teddy bear. It was so cliche and yet so perfect. After leaving the stand we walked on more and bought tickets for some rides. We decided to go on the farris wheel. Just as the wheel stopped at the top my boyfriend looked at me and kisssed me. It wasn't unexpected but yet still exciting like a surprise. After the night was over we drove home in my car and talked about how trulychiche and cheesy our night was. Looking back on the night it was very nonoriginal and yet perfect at the same time. Everything about the night was so perfect and like a girls dream come true.

Friday, September 11, 2009


I found the peice "Writing from the darkness" almost uplifting. This may sound straange when thoughout the story the author continues to speak about all these events that have kept her from writing or discourged her from her dream. I feel she pursude through all of it and put her struggles and passion into her writing. I felt a true connection with her when ever she mentioned all her opinions on her diarys. The one line that I really realted to the most was " Whole diaries gone because I refused to pry them open, not wanting what was private to be accessible." This is exactly how I felt as a little girl. I wrote my most raw feelings in my dairies and feared all the time someone would read them so I hide them. I would hide them in places like under my bed, in a drawl under all my cloths or even in my bathroom. Im proud that the author finally was able to break through all her obstacles with her diary writing and is now able to write freely.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Little Frogs

I was driving home tonight from my boyfriends house driving like normal, trying to get home before curfew, when I noticed something on the road. It was all these little "pebble" like things. So I decided to slow down and see what they were, even though at this point i was already late. I live on a very little dirt road that not many people take so me slowing down wouldn't mean much to anyone other than my mother who was waiting for me. As I began to lean forward in my seat I was startled when the "pebble" jumped! I guess the dampness from the rain had cause little frogs to come out and sit all over the road. I releized then that in an attempt to get home and save my own self I walked or drove all over other lives. This is almost how real life works in a sense that to get to where you want to be in life you must walk on, step over or even drive over those in your way. As I slowly drove my car to my house trying really hard to not hit the little frogs I thought that as much as I dont want to get in trouble with my mom tonight for being late just knowing that I would need to kill a bunch of frogs to make that happen and I was not about to do that. It just makes me think for my future that I would rather not hurt people to get to where I want to be and maybe take a little disipline and struggle knowing I didn't "drive over" anyone.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

All the worlds a stage.

So i'm currently listening to my favorite band, Chiodos, and a lyric stood out to me. It says "All the worlds a stage". I thought alot about this and decided to look up the meaning and it turns out it is a Shakespearean quote from the poem All the world's a stage (from As You Like It 2/7). As i read the poem i relieze how true it is. Shakespeare taiks about how all of life is acts, how everything do is full of entrances and exits into the next "sence" in our lives. Its so true! From the second we are born we are being watched. Someone in our lives is always waiting and watching. Our whole school carreer is watched by teachers and parents and even our peers. After school we are watched by our co-workers and friends. Even when we our in a relationship we are being watched by our segnifigent other. Its crazy how much our lives are scripted! For me personal knowing that my life is being played out i want to make my life the best play in the world! Its more than just pleasing those who are watching me though I want those who are watching me to be proud of me when I am happy. This lyric all alone has made me think and relieze how happy I want my "play" to be.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

What Should Colleges Teach?

Stanley Fisher is very much correct on his points and veiws on what and how education should be taught. He is correct in his opion that colleges should teach a course primarly focused on the craft of writing. He said that he has even adivse administrators that courses should teach grammar and rhetoric and nothing less or more.There are however organizations grather for just such a cause. Unfortuantly, according to Stanley Fisher the organizations focus on the wrong goals. He says there is a difference in opions of thosewho watch the teachings and those who really teach. The colleges and universities should look toward their own professors and teachers to redisign classes and help student develop a basic yet strong understanding of the english language.

Sunday, August 30, 2009


Sarah Clark


English 101

August 30,2009

What is and is not good writing

Well written English consists of many different parts and if one part is wrong the piece may potentially not succeed. One important part of writing includes spelling and grammar. Spelling English properly will improve a piece and make it clear and understandable. Grammar also is important to making a piece clear and understandable. The proper use of the English language will get ones opinion or knowledge across strongly. Style will also help get ones point across clearly. Style will keep the reader interested. All these aspects of good writing can make a paper succeed and prove the purpose of the piece.

However along with well written English is poorly written English. Spelling and grammar when used improperly can confuse and mislead a reader. For example, if the sentence “We went to get their candy from the store” were spelled “We went to get there candy from the store.” It would severely confuse the reader. Style when used not well can also make a piece fail. If the style of word usage is used to strongly to the point of illegibility the piece would be pointless and not get any sort of idea across to the reader. All the parts of well written English that can make a paper succeed can also very much hurt a paper when used the wrong way.