Thursday, November 12, 2009

yummy yummy latte

real picture-
Tonight I made the best latte ever! My grandmother bought me a cook book awhile ago for my "hope chest", an old wooden chest from her house filled with everything I would need for when I move out on my own. In this cook book there are alot of different types of recipes from a baby bean vannilla cake to a veggie roast beef. The recipe I decided to make was a hot drink called Spiced Honey Latte. I mixed milk with a lot of different types of spices like nutmeg, cinnamin and ginger. I took forever to make. I had to use a saucepan, blender and coffee maker! It was so easy though! I just had to wait a little while for the milk mixer to heat up on my stove. After it was all done, however, it was so worth it. It was warm and foamy. It was nutty and full of spices! Way, way better than some convenient store latte!

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