Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Little Frogs

I was driving home tonight from my boyfriends house driving like normal, trying to get home before curfew, when I noticed something on the road. It was all these little "pebble" like things. So I decided to slow down and see what they were, even though at this point i was already late. I live on a very little dirt road that not many people take so me slowing down wouldn't mean much to anyone other than my mother who was waiting for me. As I began to lean forward in my seat I was startled when the "pebble" jumped! I guess the dampness from the rain had cause little frogs to come out and sit all over the road. I releized then that in an attempt to get home and save my own self I walked or drove all over other lives. This is almost how real life works in a sense that to get to where you want to be in life you must walk on, step over or even drive over those in your way. As I slowly drove my car to my house trying really hard to not hit the little frogs I thought that as much as I dont want to get in trouble with my mom tonight for being late just knowing that I would need to kill a bunch of frogs to make that happen and I was not about to do that. It just makes me think for my future that I would rather not hurt people to get to where I want to be and maybe take a little disipline and struggle knowing I didn't "drive over" anyone.

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