Sunday, November 1, 2009

i want a kitten

(real picture)
I want a kitten.

Last summer, way early in the morning, my little sisters ran down into my room all excited! They frantically tried to wake me up. Being that it was early in the morning in the summer I love to sleep in and hate when people wake me up for no reason, so I was not ready to wake up. My sisters were screaming about some kitten in a box. I was so confused and taking back I was not sure what to think so I simply just got up put some cloths on and followed them outside. They lead me to a box in our back yard and inside there was a very young kitten trying to get out of the box. It was the cutest most inicent little thing I had ever seen, but I knew my father would never let me keep it. So for the rest of the day we just tried to get ourselves to let it go and everytime we attempted to let her go she would come right back. At the end of the day we just could not let her go. When my dad came home right away he said no and the kitten stayed in a box for the night the next day she was still there. Over the next week my dad continued to say no but the little kitten would just not leave. After awhile my whole family became very close to the kitten and my dad finally let the kitten into our house. Afte that we named her Bella. We went out and bought her lots of kitty things and gave her so much love. I loved coming home from work and playing with this little kitten. After a couple weeks however we saw little bella getting smaller and smaller and she would not eat. One morning when we were at school my mom sent me a horrible text. Sh e said she had woken up and Bella was very weak and was breathing heavy. She said she quickly picked Bella up and ran her to the vet, pj's and all. Unfortuantly before she reached the vet Bella had past. We were all very sad and confused. We had taken such good care of this little kitten. The vet then did some research on our little Bella and found ou that before we had found Bella she had picked up a disease most stray cats have but being a young kitten with a weak immune system it had killed her.

Thinking back on it I wish some times that little Bella was here. I wish I was playing with her and cuddling with her. I now also wish I had a new kitten and I would name her Bella too.

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