Friday, September 11, 2009


I found the peice "Writing from the darkness" almost uplifting. This may sound straange when thoughout the story the author continues to speak about all these events that have kept her from writing or discourged her from her dream. I feel she pursude through all of it and put her struggles and passion into her writing. I felt a true connection with her when ever she mentioned all her opinions on her diarys. The one line that I really realted to the most was " Whole diaries gone because I refused to pry them open, not wanting what was private to be accessible." This is exactly how I felt as a little girl. I wrote my most raw feelings in my dairies and feared all the time someone would read them so I hide them. I would hide them in places like under my bed, in a drawl under all my cloths or even in my bathroom. Im proud that the author finally was able to break through all her obstacles with her diary writing and is now able to write freely.

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