Thursday, September 3, 2009

All the worlds a stage.

So i'm currently listening to my favorite band, Chiodos, and a lyric stood out to me. It says "All the worlds a stage". I thought alot about this and decided to look up the meaning and it turns out it is a Shakespearean quote from the poem All the world's a stage (from As You Like It 2/7). As i read the poem i relieze how true it is. Shakespeare taiks about how all of life is acts, how everything do is full of entrances and exits into the next "sence" in our lives. Its so true! From the second we are born we are being watched. Someone in our lives is always waiting and watching. Our whole school carreer is watched by teachers and parents and even our peers. After school we are watched by our co-workers and friends. Even when we our in a relationship we are being watched by our segnifigent other. Its crazy how much our lives are scripted! For me personal knowing that my life is being played out i want to make my life the best play in the world! Its more than just pleasing those who are watching me though I want those who are watching me to be proud of me when I am happy. This lyric all alone has made me think and relieze how happy I want my "play" to be.


  1. I love Chiodos! I saw them live at Warped Tour in 2007 and when they came to the Rams Head Live! in Baltimore last year. : )

  2. Ha ha yea i just saw them this year for the first time! TWO DAYS IN A ROW!!!!!
