Sunday, October 4, 2009



Winter and I have a very love/hate relationship. The things I love/hate about winter are the snow, the hot chocalate, and the cozyness of my bed at night. I only like the snow though when Im not driving in it, then I hate it. But I love to watch the snow softly fall to the ground for the first time. When I see that I think it looks so pretty but at the same time I think its sad because it is the start of something I hate. I also love crawling into my bed at the end of a long day and getting under my nice warm blankets. However I hate the process of getting into my bed. Then you have to change out of nice warm cloths into pj's and it is always so cold. I have a room in the basement where there is no heating so it is always so cold and I hate having to crawl out of bed. Hot chocalate is another thing I like about winter. I love coming in from a cold chilly day and sitting down with warm coco in my hands. I hate the way it burns me though. I always burn my mouth always, always, always! So winter and I have a very weird love/hate relationship.

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