Saturday, September 19, 2009

Chiche equals perfection

Tuesday night I went to the York Fair with my boyfriend, Justin. I was really expecting the night to be just a typipical night just hanging out and eating yummy fair food however I turned into something much more. After we both stuffed our faces with yummy food, me eating a Gyro and him eating a cheesesteak, we just were simply walking around holding hands atempting to steer through the crowd. As we made our way through the crazy, disorganized sea of people my boyfriend never once let my hand go. He would lead the way through the people and look back to make sure I was juat fine. We walked around for a little while more talking about random things watching the people and kids around us and all of the sudden he stopped at a stand. The stand was a game stand, and even though we had talked about how I thought it was cheesy when guys win their girls huge cheap toys, he decided he wanted to anyway. However instead of winning me a huge toy he won me a small soft teddy bear. It was so cliche and yet so perfect. After leaving the stand we walked on more and bought tickets for some rides. We decided to go on the farris wheel. Just as the wheel stopped at the top my boyfriend looked at me and kisssed me. It wasn't unexpected but yet still exciting like a surprise. After the night was over we drove home in my car and talked about how trulychiche and cheesy our night was. Looking back on the night it was very nonoriginal and yet perfect at the same time. Everything about the night was so perfect and like a girls dream come true.

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