Sunday, October 18, 2009


So right now I am drinking a raspberry-apple VitaminWater. Like all the other labels on VitaminWater's this one has a crazy story on the side of it. This one is all about defense. It says it has vitamin c and zinc. The story on the side says about how drinking it will cause you to have no more sick days where you are really sick. The label says you will have "sick" days where you have fun with friends. This has no got me wondering how true this is. So I went to the VitaminWater website and found out the makers put some real reserch behind this drink. They have in depth information about each of the flavors. For the raspberry-apple flavor I am drinking, the vitamin c in it is a water-soluble vitamin that works with your white blood cells. It specifcally works with the white blood cell leucocytes, the bodies main defense! I find it crazy how this yummy drink has so much reserch and thought put into it. All of them do and they all have different purposes, like focus, balence and even relaxation! So I will most likely for this winter drink lots of VitaminWater just so I do not get sick.

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