Friday, October 30, 2009

I am not sure I understand why people who go shopping are always so mad all the time. I work at the mall in Pac Sun and the customers are either really happy or just down right mad. Last night for example I was ringing a lady and her son up at the cash register. They were buying one pair of jeans, and at Pac Sun our jeans are always on sale for either two for fifty-five or two for fifty-nine. I then asked the mom if they wanted to grab another pair of jeans for fifteen dollars more. The mom simply looked at me like I was crazy, like she could not beleive I even just asked her such a question. I attempted to explain to her they were two for fifty-five but before I could finish my sentance she said "no we do not need anything else." I couldn't beleive how rude and angry this lady was. This sceen however is not uncommon. It accually happens more than once a night. I think our coustomers think we are only out to get them to spend their money,like we work on comition. I do not want to get people to spend their money because I know I do not have money to spend either. I simply ask people if they would like to spend their money wisely. For instance with the jeans why not pay fifteen dollars for jeans now vs. forty dollars later. I just want to help people. I wish our coustomers could understand that.

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