Sunday, September 20, 2009

Fahrenheit 451 vs. 1984

So I havent quite read too much into Fahrenheit 451 but for some reason from what I have read I feel its alot like 1984. I feel the man in the book, Guy Montag is very simliar to Winston Smith from the book 1984, in the sense that they go about their days how they are told and never question the reasons why or what if there is more. They both do what they are told regardless of the reason of wrong or write they just listen to higher attority. In both books, however, I feel they start to question these methods on the event of meeting a girl. From Fahrenheit 451 her name is Clarrisse McClellan, a seventeen year old girl Guy meets while walking home. From the book 1984 her name is Julia, a young lady who Winston sees and falls in love with. In both the books the girls open the characters eyes up to things that do not follow society. I still havent read past the first forty pages of Fahrenheit 451 but yet I predict this is what may happen.

1 comment:

  1. Sarah,

    There certainly are similiarites between Fahrenheit 451 and 1984. Many times in a novel set in a dystopia, we normally have a character much like Guy or Winston who come to the path of enlightenment through seeing the world a different way. This literature trope is found in many different genres of literature and is often called a Bildungsroman (think Holden Caulfield in Catcher in the Rye). Often times Bildungsroman centers around young people or teenagers) but I feel in many ways Guy is like a child who really grows into himself in this novel. Excellent observation!
