Friday, October 30, 2009

I am not sure I understand why people who go shopping are always so mad all the time. I work at the mall in Pac Sun and the customers are either really happy or just down right mad. Last night for example I was ringing a lady and her son up at the cash register. They were buying one pair of jeans, and at Pac Sun our jeans are always on sale for either two for fifty-five or two for fifty-nine. I then asked the mom if they wanted to grab another pair of jeans for fifteen dollars more. The mom simply looked at me like I was crazy, like she could not beleive I even just asked her such a question. I attempted to explain to her they were two for fifty-five but before I could finish my sentance she said "no we do not need anything else." I couldn't beleive how rude and angry this lady was. This sceen however is not uncommon. It accually happens more than once a night. I think our coustomers think we are only out to get them to spend their money,like we work on comition. I do not want to get people to spend their money because I know I do not have money to spend either. I simply ask people if they would like to spend their money wisely. For instance with the jeans why not pay fifteen dollars for jeans now vs. forty dollars later. I just want to help people. I wish our coustomers could understand that.

Sunday, October 18, 2009


So right now I am drinking a raspberry-apple VitaminWater. Like all the other labels on VitaminWater's this one has a crazy story on the side of it. This one is all about defense. It says it has vitamin c and zinc. The story on the side says about how drinking it will cause you to have no more sick days where you are really sick. The label says you will have "sick" days where you have fun with friends. This has no got me wondering how true this is. So I went to the VitaminWater website and found out the makers put some real reserch behind this drink. They have in depth information about each of the flavors. For the raspberry-apple flavor I am drinking, the vitamin c in it is a water-soluble vitamin that works with your white blood cells. It specifcally works with the white blood cell leucocytes, the bodies main defense! I find it crazy how this yummy drink has so much reserch and thought put into it. All of them do and they all have different purposes, like focus, balence and even relaxation! So I will most likely for this winter drink lots of VitaminWater just so I do not get sick.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Boy/girl party!!!!!

Today is was cleaning up my living room and found my little twelve year old sisters book. The title of the book is "The Smart Girls Book to Guys". It is a book focused on her age group explaining all the different situations she may run into with boys. One section of the book is focused on "boy/girl" parties. I started to remember when I was her age and got invited to my first "boy/girl" party. It was in this kid named Aarons basement. It was dark and there was loud music. In the corner there was food and soda. His parents would also periodicaly check on us I guess to make sure we werent doing anything we were not to be. I remember that I was so neverous and was not really sure what to do. Everything was so awkward and new. It was the first time kissing a boy had really been brought to mind, before that boys were icky! Looking back on it however I think everyone felt the same way I did. Of course at the time I didnt know that I just tried to act as cool as possible. I just can not beleive my little sister is now going to have to go through the same thing! She will have to deal with the same nervous, awkwardness I did, which makes me nervous for her! I just hope she makes all the right decissions and has learned from me!

butterfly butterfly

I was thinking today about butterflies and how pretty they are. Butterflies have such amazing patterns and colors if you really look at them. The colors for one thing are so bright and insense. They blend so well and yet they are so different. The patterns on the wings are also so crazy and unimaginable. It is so insane to think that these colors and patterns can be in nature. In my art work I have tried numerous times to replicate the same intensity but I have failed everything. There is just noway to fully grasp the true look. I beleive also that evryone should reallly stop and look at the wings for all the different thiings I am talking about. People just simply look at the wings and never really see the colors and patterns. I have included pictures so that you may be able to see for yourself what I can not copmpletely explain in words.

Monday, October 5, 2009





things that need to happen.

if not, diaster.

not a word.

not one.

will ever be spoken again.

if so may the damned never raise.

and the great never fall.

never again will there be hope.

or joy.

or peace.

only upset.

and dissatiscation.

but if no words are spoken.

joy will return but not true happiness.

peace will be seen only through the eyes of bitten tounges.

so a choice.

getting what is desired for a short time along with terror.


the joy of knowing everything is fine but feeling empty.?

no more.




its done with.

this is the only sad lonely and yet peaceful resolution.

but the words sneek out.

quiet as the peace so undeteched.

invisable for a short time.

reconized and regreted alittle while later.

just dont speak.

please dont even try.

its no use.

its over with and done.

whats done is done.

and what to come is set out.

by past behavior.

cant change.

no one has.

no one can.

it simply cant be done.

~ Sarah Clark

Sunday, October 4, 2009



Winter and I have a very love/hate relationship. The things I love/hate about winter are the snow, the hot chocalate, and the cozyness of my bed at night. I only like the snow though when Im not driving in it, then I hate it. But I love to watch the snow softly fall to the ground for the first time. When I see that I think it looks so pretty but at the same time I think its sad because it is the start of something I hate. I also love crawling into my bed at the end of a long day and getting under my nice warm blankets. However I hate the process of getting into my bed. Then you have to change out of nice warm cloths into pj's and it is always so cold. I have a room in the basement where there is no heating so it is always so cold and I hate having to crawl out of bed. Hot chocalate is another thing I like about winter. I love coming in from a cold chilly day and sitting down with warm coco in my hands. I hate the way it burns me though. I always burn my mouth always, always, always! So winter and I have a very weird love/hate relationship.